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Our new Dearborn Branch is well underway.

We’re building a new home to serve you better. 

Have you heard about the new Dearborn Branch? Beginning in April of 2023 a new 21st century banking structure will begin to rise to the west of our current Dearborn location, eventually taking its place. Check out the guide below for answers to common questions about the new First Security Operations and Dearborn Branch Services Headquarters. 

Designed for banking from the ground up for fast, convenient teller and business functions with the personal attention and secure, friendly service our customers expect. 



What is the “First Security Operations and Dearborn Branch Services Headquarters?” 

A new facility that houses our new banking center. It is designed to serve the community with advanced technology and ease of use far into the coming century. 

When will construction begin? 

The Project is expected to begin Summer of 2023 

When will construction end? 

It is expected to be a two-year project. 

There’s already a branch at Dearborn, why build a new one? 

The current building was adapted from an existing structure housing a cement and concrete mixing plant. The existing structure is simply no longer able to handle our day-to-day operations or customer needs. The new building is planned from the ground up to provide not only much-needed space but operational improvements that will reduce our impact on the community and enhance sustainability. Its technological and security enhancements will mean our community is safer, and so is its money. 

What will happen to the current Dearborn branch once the new branch is complete? 

The existing Dearborn branch will be taken down and the site will become a parking area for the new building. 

Will the current Dearborn branch be open during construction of the new branch? 

Yes. The existing branch will remain open during normal hours, and we will continue to serve all customers. 

During construction, the Dearborn branch will remain open during normal hours, with drive-thru reduced to 4 lanes. Walk over to the fence, take a peek, and see how it’s coming along. 

Will the drive-thru remain open once construction starts? 

During construction, drive-thru banking will be reduced to 4 lanes. If it is more convenient for them, we encourage drive-thru customers to use our Southgate drive-thru during this period. 

Where do customers park during construction? 

All customers should be able to continue to find parking without much interruption in our front parking area. The new branch will be built west of the Dearborn branch in the current employee parking area. Eventually, the site of the current bank will become our new parking area. 

Will employee parking be impacted during construction? 

Yes. Employee parking will be impacted, and we are conscientiously trying to find the best solutions for everyone. We are currently working with US Foods and Flying Squirrel to secure employee parking in that area. We will also have parking at our Southgate branch, and on-street parking is available along Dearborn and Catlin. Other parking areas may be available as needed. Thankfully, our staff are flexible and patient, and should remain so during construction. 

Who is building the new branch? 

The new building is designed and built by A&E Architects and Dick Anderson Construction. Both are longstanding First Security Bank customers. 

What was the inspiration behind the new building? 

The building was inspired by the Missoula landscape and designed to honor the spectacular views, while remaining inviting and integrated into the surrounding landscape. This new facility will feature an open and welcoming atrium, and improve the teller experience and other banking functions. 

When will I be able to see what the new building looks like? 

You’re always welcome to visit the site and peek through the fence. 

What were the most important considerations when choosing the design of the new building? 

Occupant health and happiness and operational excellence were the metrics of success for each building decision. How easy and pleasant the building would be to enter, visit, accomplish banking tasks, and exit were carefully planned. Considerations included natural light, natural views, interior and exterior acoustics, and how the bank could be most efficiently run and maintained. We also incorporated health and environmental considerations with regard to materials selection and ongoing energy needs. 

Won’t the construction have a negative environmental impact? 

No. The new construction building is LEEDS certified for operational efficiency and environmental compatibility. LEED-certified buildings save money, improve efficiency, lower carbon emissions and create healthier places for people. They are critical to addressing climate change and meeting ESG goals, enhancing resilience, and supporting more equitable communities. To achieve LEED certification, a project earns points by adhering to prerequisites and credits that address carbon, energy, water, waste, transportation, materials, health and indoor environmental quality. You can find more about LEEDS Certification here. 

Will Totally Free Checking still be Totally Free? 


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